What Conditions Require Emergency Dental Care?

Dental emergencies are no joke - they can be a serious problem, leading to lost teeth and lost oral function. The only way to protect your teeth and your oral health during a dental emergency is to work with a qualified dentist.It helps to have a dentist that offers emergency care. If your dentist does not offer emergency care, they may not have the scheduling ability to fit you in at the last minute, leaving you seeking services elsewhere.

How Can You Tell If You're Having a Dental Emergency?

If you're having a dental emergency, it's important to take fast action. First, it's important to know when you're having a dental emergency. In general, if you're in severe oral pain, then you're probably having a dental emergency.That said, some emergencies are easily categorized by the type of problem that you might be experiencing. Below are some of the most common types of dental emergencies:Swelling inside your mouth or around your tooth. This could be a sign of an infection and may mean that you need a tooth extraction or a root canal. Loss of a permanent tooth. Loss of a permanent tooth is always a dental emergency. Getting care as soon as possible is crucial if you hope to save the tooth. Waiting any amount of time can mean the tooth will be permanently lost. Broken tooth. A broken tooth may or may not be a dental emergency. Call your dentist to describe your problem and learn the next steps. Object wedged between your teeth. Like a broken tooth, getting an object wedged between your teeth may or may not be a dental emergency. Again, call your dentist for help and advice. Severe bleeding after biting your tongue or cheek. If you're experiencing severe bleeding in your mouth, talk to your dentist immediately or go to the emergency room.

What Should You Do If You're Having a Dental Emergency?

If you're having a dental emergency, contact your dentist as soon as possible! Don't mince details when speaking with the person who answers the phone - it's important for them to know what's truly going wrong so they can refer you to an available dental professional.

What Should You Do If You Lose a Permanent Tooth?

If you've lost a permanent tooth, the most important thing you can do is preserve the tooth and see the dentist as soon as possible. Do not wait even a minute for care.

  • Pick up the lost tooth by the crown, not the root.
  • Wash off the tooth in milk, saliva, or sterile saline solution.
  • Put the tooth back in your mouth, filling the hole it just vacated (if you can). If you can't put the tooth back in the hole, put it in your cheek for safekeeping.
  • See the dentist immediately.

Ideal Dental Offers Emergency Dental Services

Ideal Dental is your source for emergency dental care. If you’re having a dental emergency, find your local Ideal Dental office today to schedule an appointment.

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