Is It a Toothache or Another Common Ailment?

Generalized tooth pain is a common problem affecting up to 40 percent of Americans each year, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC). The pain can range from mild to severe and the cause can be anything from an infected tooth root to lingering discomfort after experiencing some type of trauma to the mouth. Most toothaches are temporary and do not require treatment from the dentist. However, prolonged or severe tooth pain could indicate a more serious oral health issue.

Tooth Anatomy 101

The teeth contain mostly hard organic material that does not experience pain. The sensation of pain comes from inside the tooth where its nerves and blood supply sit. Nerves and blood are essential to the health of each tooth to prevent it from becoming dry and brittle.Toothaches occur when the nerves inside of a tooth become inflamed for a variety of reasons. The nerves can even die, creating toxins to build up around the tooth that eventually cause an infection. Sensitivity when something hot or cold touches the tooth is usually the first indication that something is wrong. Other common symptoms of a toothache include:

  • Pain that is dull, sharp, and sporadic or constant and throbbing
  • Bad breath due to drainage from an abscessed or infected tooth
  • Swelling of the face or gums
  • Aching pain in the neck or upper portion of the shoulders
  • Redness of the gums
  • Unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Fever
  • Headache

If you have tried the usual home remedies like taking non-prescription pain relievers or applying an ice pack to your jaw without relief, the next step is to schedule an appointment with Ideal Dental to determine the cause of your tooth pain.

Top Causes of Tooth Pain

Toothaches develop in response to damage to a nerve that causes inflammation, which can occur for any of the reasons described below.

Abscessed Tooth

A tooth becomes abscessed when a deep cavity causes an infection to develop in the nerves and it reaches the bones. Drainage from the infected tooth is the source of the pain.

Dislodged Crown of Filling

Crowns of fillings on the teeth can occasionally come loose and fall off, exposing the tooth to temperature sensitivity.

Food Stuck Between Teeth

A small piece of food lodged between teeth can cause the two teeth to ache.

Fractured Tooth

Teeth can fracture due to prolonged clenching and grinding, fillings falling out, or trauma such as a baseball striking the mouth. The pain of the fracture will be less severe when it affects the enamel and dentin of the tooth and more severe when it reaches the nerve.

Infected Gums

Inflammation causes bacterial colonies to develop on the gums due to inadequate brushing and flossing, which eventually causes an infection.Various non-dental situations can also cause tooth pain, including sinus headaches, lung disease, heart attack, certain neurological disorders, and muscle pain. We encourage you not to let the pain linger untreated, regardless of what you think the cause may be. You can learn more about when to visit the dentist for a toothache here.

Schedule an Appointment

While you should see the dentist regularly for an oral health checkup and dental cleanings, you may need to schedule an appointment sooner to address a toothache. Find your local Ideal Dental office today to schedule a visit with our dentists.

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