How Can I Remove Tartar From My Teeth?

How Can I Remove Tartar from My Teeth?No one wants to be told they have tartar build-up on their teeth. Knowing how to handle it and avoid it is a big part of maintaining optimal dental hygiene. Dental professionals can help you understand what tartar is, how it affects your health, and what to do to get rid of it.What Is Tartar and How Does It Form?We all know that keeping a good oral hygiene routine helps our teeth and mouth stay healthy. You know the routine - floss and brush to prevent plaque and cavity build-up. But what is tartar? And how can you prevent tartar from building up on your teeth?Tartar, also called dental calculus, is a yellow to brown deposit that forms on your teeth as a result of plaque build-up. Tartar is common among adults - nearly 68% of all adults have experienced tartar build-up on their teeth. It forms as a result of not removing plaque from your teeth within 24-72 hours of plaque forming. Minerals from saliva bond to your dental plaque and harden over time, resulting in the hard, colored spots known as tartar.Plaque formation in your mouth is normal. It’s the result of bacteria formed in your mouth from saliva, food, and fluids. These substances combine in your mouth to create an environment where bacteria grows and then sticks to your teeth. Plaque is especially prevalent around the gumline where your teeth and gums meet. It’s essential to floss and brush regularly to prevent plaque build-up and tartar formation. Avoiding foods that are high in sugar helps keep plaque at bay.Plaque can be hard to spot, but it’s important to catch it early on before it turns into tartar. It can be colorless but is often light yellow. Routine trips to the dentist can help keep teeth clean. And while there are many at-home “natural remedies” ranging from strawberries to white vinegar to baking soda for removing tartar from your teeth, it’s best to seek professional dental advice. Tartar can be very hard and stubborn to remove, and attempting to remove it at home could cause more damage.How Does Tartar Affect Your Health?If you’re not taking care of your teeth, mouth, and gums through a dentist-approved oral hygiene routine, a buildup of plaque and tartar could lead to worsening conditions:

  • Cavities - the acids that produce plaque can eat away at the enamel of your teeth.
  • Gingivitis - an accumulation of plaque bacteria can cause inflammation of the gums.
  • Bad Breath - plaque buildup can cause your breath to smell foul.

Best Practices to Avoid Plaque and Tartar While going to a dentist to remove tartar is always an option, the best offense is a good defense. Having a solid oral hygiene routine will help prevent plaque and tartar before you need to have them removed by a professional. Make sure you:

  • Brush twice a day with a soft-bristled toothbrush, and replace your toothbrush every three months.
  • Floss once a day to get into those places your toothbrush can’t.
  • Rinse your mouth with a fluoride rinse to remove any bacteria build-up you might have missed.
  • Visit your dentist every 6 months for routine check-ups.
  • Minimize smoking to reduce your risk of plaque and tartar build-up.

Why a Dentist Is BestEven though there are many ways touted online to help remove tartar, it can be more difficult than you realize. This is why it’s important to rely on the education and professional tools that dentists have to remove tartar from your teeth. Think about it - dental hygienists typically study for two or more years to learn how to care for and clean teeth properly.Aside from knowing what they’re doing, it’s generally not a great idea to try to use a sharp, metal object to scrape something off your teeth. You could easily cut or damage the soft, sensitive tissue around your teeth, resulting in an even greater, immediate need to see a dentist.Dentists typically use a process called scaling to remove tartar and plaque buildup from your teeth. This is done using manual scaling tools, and occasionally dentists will use ultrasonic devices to remove tartar from your teeth.With proper know-how and preventative care, you can prevent plaque and tartar from building on your teeth right from your own home. If you currently have plaque or tartar buildup, it’s important to see your dentist so that they can safely and effectively remove the tartar for you.

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