Do I Need a Night Guard?

Did you know that most people who grind or clench their teeth at night have no idea they do it until they begin experiencing undesirable symptoms and see their doctor or dentist? Because you may be unfamiliar with bruxism - and unaware that you're doing it - it can be hard to believe you need a night guard. Here's what you need to know.

Signs and Symptoms of Bruxism

Signs that you're dealing with bruxism (teeth grinding) include:

  • flattening, fracturing, chipping or loosening of your teeth
  • worn enamel on the biting surfaces of your teeth
  • locked jaw, soreness in the jaw, or tightness in the jaw muscle
  • frequent unexplained headaches
  • tooth pain and sensitivity
  • injury, soreness, or damage to the inside of your cheeks
  • an earache that isn't attributed to ear problems

Additionally, your partner may share with you that you clench or grind in your sleep; often these noises can disrupt your partner's sleep.

Clenching, Grinding, and Night Guards

Much like one that protects your teeth during sports, your dentist can fabricate a custom mouth guard to protect your teeth from the damage caused by clenching and grinding. Mouth guards separate the teeth and prevent grinding and clenching altogether, which can protect your teeth from damage, prevent headaches, keep your jaw healthy, and help you (and your partner) sleep better at night. In some cases, you may need some dental restoration to repair any broken or damaged teeth, too.

Who to See for Clenching and Grinding

Clenching and grinding are complicated in that who treats it depends largely on when it occurs. When it happens at night, a dentist is your most helpful resource. They'll create a custom mouth guard that you'll put in before bed and take out in the morning to protect your teeth and prevent additional unwanted results of bruxism.However, bruxism caused by stress or anxiety that occurs during waking hours can be more complicated to treat and usually requires help from your medical doctor. He or she may recommend stress management, behavior change, biofeedback, muscle relaxers, or medications to help with anxiety.

Schedule Your Appointment

If you're experiencing the signs and symptoms of teeth grinding and clenching, find your local Ideal Dental office and schedule an appointment with our caring dentists today.

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